Location: Newtown Friends Meeting, 219 Court St, Newtown PA. 10 am – 3 pm
Education session: What are the questions we need to be asking ourselves and each other to guide our grantmaking discernment? Guest: Lucy Vandenberg from CNJG and the Schumann Foundation, previously Fund for NJ among other positions.
Please read the notes from the February meeting and be prepared to share your top 4-5 responses to the prompt.
Lunch will be provided.
Board Annual Meeting
–Iron Mt.
–Midyear conversations
—Request from Friends LifeCare
Expense reimbursement
–Appointment of members to terms and committees
–Appointment of officers
–Approval of 2024-25 dates
—–Number needed for bylaws change
—–Remove annual report to NYYM
—Executive Director job description
—Conflict of Interest disclosure
–Added Tyler to bank account
Approve minutes from April