Agenda 2.24
Welcome- Jim 5
Education Session: Looking Back, Looking Forward – Susan 90 -120 min.
Following the strategic session last May and in anticipation of doing more work this May, we want to use the extra time available in February for some deeper, relaxed discussion. During the lifespan of FFA, the world has rapidly changed around us, including the field of philanthropy and aging services. Our dedication to continuing revelation has led us from a focus on Quaker lifecare communities to services for at-home Friends to those leading and living in underserved communities. We have also implemented several trust-based practices toward building strong relationships with our grantee partners. Where do we want to go next? This discussion will help Susan focus her work and guide our strategic planning in May.
Please review the grants FFA has made over the past 2 years. Here is a list of the grants made in 2022-3. (more details on them are on the website under the meetings when they were considered). Select 2 that stand out as a success to you, that you are proud of — why? Pick 2 that didn’t excite you — why? If it is helpful, I added columns for the following questions: Do they reflect the FFA mission? Are they innovative? Impactful? Replicable? Do they serve partners and under-served populations that might not get other funding? Are there gaps between what we are doing and what we want to do? Which of these elements are important to you going forward? How does this inform us about our priorities? We will start the session with sharing responses.
We will also talk about the queries Susan listed in her report.
Business Meeting
- Approve minutes October 2023 Jim
2. ED report 2.24 – Susan
—ED report 12.23 sent in December
3. Executive Session re Susan – Jim
–Susan’s priorities for 2024
4. Finance -Eric
—Budget for year for APPROVAL approved
–Proposal re Friends Fiduciary – that the Friends Fiduciary account be used to fund the NYYM grant, which is true to original intent, begins to spend income, and releases funds at JPM for more granting.
5. Governance- Lisa
—Officer Job descriptions update- draft