Quaker Convening May 10 7-9 pm Zoom
Participant organizations: Philadelphia YM, New York YM, New England YM, Baltimore YM, Pendle Hill, Friends General Conference
Here are some questions to get us started. Please come prepared to present your organization on the first 5 questions (5 minutes each) before we open it up for interaction on the remaining two:
- How does your organization serve aging Friends? Where does concern for aging Friends fall in your organizational structure?
- Should aging be a separate concern or is it part of a continuum of care for our communities?
- What does “care” include? Spiritual, financial, services, referrals?
- What’s your greatest need? Worry? Resource?
- If you had a magic wand, what would you do?
- Gaps and overlaps
- What is the next step for you individually and us as a group?
- How could FFA help?
Annual Meeting May 17 7-9 pm
I. Welcome- Jim
II. Executive Director Report – Susan
III. Discussion on Quaker Convening May 10 – what themes stood out, potential collaborations, greatest needs/top priorities, role for FFA?
IV. Deferred grants – Susan
- Pendle Hill (addendum)
- Camden Coalition
V. Governance – Lisa
- Updated graphic/mission/FFA at A Glance
VI. Annual Corporate Meeting
- Appreciation for Beth Yingling
- Appointment of Officers and Trustee Class of 2025
- Meeting dates for 2022-23
- Annual meeting format- split (this year) or all-day(past years)
- Trustee disclosure forms
VII. Finance – Eric
- Recommendation regarding investments
VIII. Consent agenda- approval of April minutes
Reports from Grantee Partners- read only