October 2022

Agenda pdf

Welcome– Jim

Executive Director’s ReportsSummer & October -Susan

  • Add non-discrimination sentence to grant agreement
    • Grantee partner affirms that it has a non-discrimination policy which applies to both employees and program participants and that it makes ongoing efforts to live into this policy.  Grantee further affirms that subcontractors or vendors enabled by this grant will have substantially similar policies and commitments in place.
  • Add board members to website
  • Quaker Convening on Aging
  • Comments on grant proposals, Q&A, mid-year conversations
  • LOI and review process

LETTERS OF INTENT- you already read these; they are here for reference and saving.

Baltimore Yearly Meeting & New Grantee info form. I already approved to move forward without revision.

Bright Side Manor LOI, new grantee info & ALP description

JFS Atlantic Co LOI and new grantee info

SOWN & info sheet

Interfaith Caregivers of Mercer Co & info sheet

NJAAW LOI and new grantee info-declined

Nazarene LOI and new grantee info-declined

The Tender-declined

GEMS LOI & Info sheet-declined

KACS & info sheet-declined

Robert Wood Johnson Barnabas Hamilton & info sheet-declined

EB Fitness and info sheet –discretionary

Mid-year conversations– see Executive Director’s Report




Friends Home in Kennett


Kendal at Home + Budget

AFSC + budget

ARTZ Philadelphia+ budget

Center in the Park

Montgomery SAAC

Woolman Hill 

National Church Residences




AFSC + budget

Friends Home Kennett


FSA & Barclay Friends 

Kendal at Home & Budget



ARTZ Philadelphia+budget

Center in the Park

New: (see below for info sheets)

Baltimore Yearly Meeting -seemed strong and thorough enough not to need a proposal.

Bright Side Manor proposal & budget

Jewish Community Housing updated letter and budget

JFS Atlantic Co

Interfaith Caregivers Mercer Co


Grants list 2022


EBFit –  $1000 starter grant



Consent: Approval of May minutes


May 2022

Quaker Convening May 10 7-9 pm Zoom

Participant organizations: Philadelphia YM, New York YM, New England YM, Baltimore YM, Pendle Hill, Friends General Conference

Here are some questions to get us started.  Please come prepared to present your organization on the first 5 questions (5 minutes each) before we open it up for interaction on the remaining two:

  • How does your organization serve aging Friends? Where does concern for aging Friends fall in your organizational structure?
  • Should aging be a separate concern or is it part of a continuum of care for our communities?
  • What does “care” include? Spiritual, financial, services, referrals?
  • What’s your greatest need? Worry? Resource?
  • If you had a magic wand, what would you do?
  • Gaps and overlaps
  • What is the next step for you individually and us as a group?
  • How could FFA help?

Annual Meeting May 17 7-9 pm


I.  Welcome- Jim

II. Executive Director Report – Susan

III. Discussion on Quaker Convening May 10 – what themes stood out, potential collaborations, greatest needs/top priorities, role for FFA?

IV. Deferred grants – Susan

V. Governance – Lisa

VI. Annual Corporate Meeting

VII. Finance – Eric

  • Recommendation regarding investments

VIII.  Consent agenda- approval of April minutes

Reports from Grantee Partners- read only

April 2022


Executive Director Report

Finance Committee

Governance Committee

FFA at a Glance– summary of FFA strategy documents


Letters of Intent

New Grantee Partner Information Sheets

New proposals:



Questions & Answers

Consent agenda: Minutes 4.17.22

February 17, 2022


Welcome                                                                                                                5 min        Jim

Education session on Trust Based Philanthropy with Nancy Burd               110

Reading: Trust Based Philanthropy: An Overview

additional materials at trustbasedphilanthropy.org

BREAK                                                                                                                      10

Business meeting welcome- Jim                                                                          5

ED report                                                                                                                5-10           Susan

Grants – LOI from JCHC    and Camden Coalition                                      15-20          Susan

conversation summaries–read if interested (Rise, WTI, Barclay, Ujima, Friends House, JFCS, FSA    others as conducted) –general discussion  Added after meeting:National Church Residences, Pendle Hill, QVS,

Finance – summary of Finance meeting                                                           10              Eric

         P&L to budget, balance

Governance                                                                                                              5              Lisa

Executive Session- ED Evaluation                                                                       5              Jim

Consent: Minutes October 2021  and extra session                                          5              Jim

October 14, 2021


Welcome- Jim   5

Executive Director Report  Susan 20  

Distributable amount:  The Finance Committee recommends granting a maximum of $300,000 this cycle, which is estimated as 5.5% of assets.  $350,000 was awarded last time, and we should probably set a target of $300,000 for each cycle.

Year-end reports–go with with applications

AFSC and budget

ARCH-NYYM report

ARTZ Philadelphia and budget

Center in the Park and financials



Proposals-returning Susan 60

AFSC and budget


ARTZ Philadelphia and budget

Center in the Park and budget and logic model and outreach plan

Friends Home & Village

FSA expansion  (interns and leadership academy on hold until Spring)

Jaisohn Foundation, budget, Letter of support



Proposals- new Susan  45



People & Stories

Senior Community Services


MidYear Summaries Susan +board 15

Barclay Friends

Friends House Retirement Community

Jewish Family & Children’s Services

Kendal at Home

Lutheran Social Ministries

Mercy LIFE

National Church Residences

Pendle Hill

Rise + aFUN packet

Ujima Friends Peace Center

Witness to Innocence

Woolman Hill

The Hickman-capital project

Final reports–for reading only

Chandler Hall Aromatherapy final report

Black Doctors Covid Consortium final report

On Loc final report

FSA final report- speaker

Lutheran Social Ministries

PCA report on aging in place-best practice manual

Finance  Eric 15

2020  Audit, Cryptocurrency policy, Ziegler update, investments, proposed 2022 budget

Add meeting in October to approve budget and 990PF?  990PF

Governance Lisa 15

Grantee feedback, board self-evaluation, succession planning, February and June annual meeting ideas

Consent agenda:

Approve June Minutes   Jim   5

June 5, 2021

June 5, 2021 Agenda

9:00-11:00 Grantee presentations and discussion                           Susan


–Witness to Innocence

–ARTZ Philadelphia


  1. Tell us about the community you serve.
  2. How has the community been impacted by the pandemic and social justice issues?
  3. How is this affecting your operations, programs and funding?
  4. What is your strategic focus for the coming year?
  5. What else would you like us to know?
  6. How can we help?
  7. What is the biggest issue your community faces today?

11:00-12:00 Generative Discussion                                                     Jim

12:00-1:00 lunch break

1:00- 3:00 Board meeting

  1. Welcome                              Jim                      5
  2. Continue strategic thinking for 2021-22
    1. review strategic plan implementation
    2. issues in aging

–How can board members be more involved in identifying granting opportunities and knowing about the work we support?

–What problem is FFA trying to address? What approach will FFA take to address that problem?  Who do we need to listen to?  How will we know that we have been transformational/had impact?

–What strategic priorities and issues does FFA want to address this year?

  1. Executive Director report            Susan   15
    1. Grantee feedback
  2. Governance                        Lisa                      15+
    1. Reappoint officers
    2. Reappoint board class of 2021- Lisa, Conrad, Abigail
    3. Officers job descriptions
    4. Secretary in training
    5. Conflict of Interest disclosure forms
    6. Board self-evaluation
    7. Meeting dates 2021-22 revised
  3. Finance                              Eric                      15
    1. Ziegler
    2. Updates from Friends Fiduciary and JPMorgan
  4. Grants                               Susan                  15
    1. Report from Friends Home & Village
    2. Earlham College LOI
  5. Consent agenda: approve April minutes Jim    5

Close                                           Jim                        5

April 8, 2021


Welcome – Jim (10)

Executive Director’s report – Susan (10)

Grants – Susan  (120)

Theory of Change for April Grants – I added this tool for snapshot of grants


Rise Hightstown – senior nutrition

Rise full proposal

Lutheran Homes NJ -gardens

-New grantees

Broadmead – Nurse in Training

Kendal at Home – Virtual and in-person programming

Mercy LIFE West Philadelphia – GrandPads (summary, organization)

Pendle Hill – Online programs

— Woolman Hill– accessibility

-Returning grantees

Barclay Friends – Horticulture gardens + report

Friends House Retirement Community – Montessori – budget+ report

Jewish Family & Children’s Services– Hoarding + report

National Church Residences – Pastoral care chaplains in PA communities + report

QVS report– fellow

Witness to Innocence – peer specialist for exonerees + report, budget, timeline

FSA symposium 

Grant Q & A

Finance – Eric (15)

Governance – Lisa (15)

Consent (5)- February minutes & Ziegler notes

February 11, 2021

Welcome                                                                       Jim 10

Ziegler agenda and powerpoint                                        60


Director’s Report                                                 Susan 30

2021 Goals


On Lok minigrant proposal- approved

Letters of Intent:                                                      Susan 20

     Pendle Hill

     Woolman Hill

     Alzheimer’s Association

     Kendal at Home

     One Roof Chicago

Request from FSA

Report summaries (do you prefer to full reports?)

Jaisohn report-full

Finance                                                                 Eric 10

move to electronic Annual Financials and 990PF

P&L to budget 12.31.20

Balance 12.31.19

Balance 12.31.20


Governance                                                       Lisa 10

Technology and communications policy

Succession Plan

Committee assignments

Website feedback

Board bios

Consent                                                             Jim 10

October 2020 minutes

ED evaluation


Meeting evaluation

7 responsibilities of a trust based board

October 8, 2020

Agenda 10.20

Executive Director report

Grant List 2020


Trinitas 2020




QVS (oral, no document)

Montgomery SAAC

Ujima proposal

Center in the Park

The Hickman


AFSC 2019-20

ARCH 2019-20

ARTZ 2019-20

Hickman report

Friends SW Burial Ground

Requests for adjustment

Witness to Innocence

Friendsview Retirement Community

IRIS (Quaker Collaborative)

National Church Residences

FSA- oral, no document

Innovation grant reports


Draft budget



Minutes 6.13.2020

Minutes board retreat 6.13.20

Minutes called meeting racial justice

Minutes called meeting strategic plan