Agenda February 2025
- Mimi Blackwell presentation 30 min.
- Jim Welcome
- Susan Executive Director report
- Business
- Approve minutes
- Susan’s annual review
- Governance: Recruiting new board members, succession of officers
- Finance: report on finances, meeting with JPM, budget v actual, balance sheet
- Board objective setting for year
Priorities- as I understand them
- Quaker organizations- founded by, Quaker board, Quaker identified, values-based
- Direct service to aging individuals over funding staff which provide secondary gain to residents or capital projects
- Small, community-based organizations – under $1M budget, board represents population, program input from community
- Support change not maintenance
- New/creative solutions to identified problem – in some way a new approach
- Replicable
- Variety in types of issues addressed
Review of questions from May retreat
- How long to fund organizations? Different Q/non-Q?
- Right balance of new and returning
- What do you want to know from orgs that got general operating support-reporting?
- If continue GOS, how much $
- Should we reach into NYC and State? Or focus on NJ/ Eastern PA.
- Where do multi-generational spiritual deepening programs fit?
- Ideas for deepening relationships with grantee partners without adding burden on them?
- How do we learn what Quakers need?
- Conversation with NYYM about bylaws, needs?
Lutheran Settlement House final report