April 2025


  1. Welcome

2. Approve minutes

3. Executive Director report

Read about things funders can do in this climate.  Summary of conversations with grantee partners.

4. Governance

5. Finance

6. Gift acceptance policy draft– for approval. Sample web page https://friendsfiduciary.org/horizons-at-gsfs/

7. Grants:

A. Returning-Quaker

Friends Village, The Hickman, Friends Home Kennett-  Unrestricted GOS funds $15,000 each (recommended and approved February meeting). I asked each to write one page on how they used last year’s funds and what might be supported in the coming year.

The Hickman

Friends Village

Friends Home Kennett

FSA Leadership & Interns

Friends House Retirement

Pendle Hill

I conferred with Pendle Hill and QVS and expressed doubt that FFA would fund a second year of both Pendle Hill and a Fellow there, and that instead Pendle Hill increase it’s request to include part of the cost of a program assistant. I also advised that a letter including what they did last year and plan to do in the coming year would suffice.

Returning- Non-Quaker

Center in the Park, Kindersmile and Witness to Innocence were told that this would be their sabbatical year.


RISE & RISE report

B. New Quaker

Faith Journeys of Our Elders


Mercy Care

Lutheran Settlement House

Jewish Relief Organization

Starve Poverty & supplemental


C. Reports only:

Friendsview Retirement- waiting until Fall


February 2025

Agenda February 2025

  1. Mimi Blackwell presentation 30 min.
  2. Jim Welcome
  3. Approve minutes
  4. Susan Executtive Director report
  5. Business
    1. Approve minutes
    2. Susan’s annual review- Executive Session
    3. Governance: Recruiting new board members, succession of officers
    4. Finance: report on finances, meeting with JPM, budget v actual, balance sheet
    5. Board objective setting for year
    6. Plan for May meetings -dates, strategic thinking, grantee partners, etc
  6. Continued discernment on grant making:

Priorities- as I understand them

  • Quaker organizations- founded by, Quaker board, Quaker identified, values-based
  • Direct service to aging individuals over funding staff which provide secondary gain to residents or capital projects
  • Small, community-based organizations – under $1M budget, board represents population, program input from community
  • Support change not maintenance
  • New/creative solutions to identified problem – in some way a new approach
    • Replicable
  • Variety in types of issues addressed

Review of questions from May retreat

  • How long to fund organizations? Different Q/non-Q?
  • Right balance of new and returning
  • What do you want to know from orgs that got general operating support-reporting?
  • If continue GOS, how much $
  • Should we reach into NYC and State? Or focus on NJ/ Eastern PA.
  • Where do multi-generational spiritual deepening programs fit?
  • Ideas for deepening relationships with grantee partners without adding burden on them?
  • How do we learn what Quakers need?
  • Conversation with NYYM about bylaws, needs?
  • How might we be called to support grantee partners losing Federal Funding or who have DEI programs?


Read only:

Lutheran Settlement House final report

ARTZ Philadelphia final report + budget + lessons learned

New Community final report

October 2024


President welcome & report on Ziegler meeting

Approve May Minutes*

Director’s Report


Profit & Loss “Activity Report”

Trial Balance

Budget for approval*

–Accept audit* & 990PF*


–February meeting

–New members needed


Grant worksheet Fall 2024

Grant grid (all grants)


Returning Quaker

New York Yearly Meeting

New England Yearly Meeting

Returning Non-Quaker

Bright Side Manor + Satisfaction survey report

Habitat N. Ocean

Interfaith Caregivers + budget (new)

JFS Atlantic

SOWN/Connectedly + revised budget

Trinitas (back after 1 year)

–Center for Hope Hospice – no new proposal but waiting

New Quaker

Chandler Hall (back after 8 years)

Friends Homes NC + budget

New Non-Quaker

Caldwell University

Kings Bay JCC


–NJAAW +NJSCA + budget

Senior Community Services + promo

Springpoint Senior Living + letter

–Center for Hope Hospice -deferred from April and last October

* denotes decision needed

May 2024

Location: Newtown Friends Meeting, 219 Court St, Newtown PA.  10 am – 3 pm


Education session: What are the questions we need to be asking ourselves and each other to guide our grantmaking discernment?  Guest: Lucy Vandenberg from CNJG and the Schumann Foundation, previously Fund for NJ among other positions.

Please read the notes from the February meeting and be prepared to share your top 4-5 responses to the prompt.

Lunch will be provided.

Board Annual Meeting

Executive Director Report

–Iron Mt.

–Midyear conversations

Request from Friends LifeCare

Expense reimbursement

–Appointment of members to terms and committees

–Appointment of officers


Officer job descriptions

–Approval of 2024-25 dates

Bylaws and handbook changes

—–Number needed for bylaws change

—–Remove annual report to NYYM

Executive Director job description

Conflict of Interest disclosure 

Board self-evaluation

–Added Tyler to bank account

Approve minutes from April

April 2024


Executive Director’s Report


Worksheet 2024 grant requests pdf

worksheet in excel


Hickman Q&A

Pendle Hill Q&A

Returning Quaker

Barclay Friends- (no new request) report + budget

FSA report + FSA application

FSA-Kendal Corp AIT program discussion/not for decision

Friends Home Kennett reapplication + use of funds +attachment

Friends House Retirement Community reapplication

Friendsview Retirement Community reapplication

Friends Village report + reapplication

The Hickman reapplication + budget

QVS reapplication

Pendle Hill reapplication

Ujima reapplication

Returning Non-Quaker

Center for Modern Aging (PSRC) reapplication

Center in the Park reapplication + budget; program budget

JFCS Phila reapplication

Kindersmile reapplication+ budget

Rise reapplication

Snipes Farm reapplication+ report

Witness to Innocence reapplication + budget

New (all non-Quaker)

CARIE application

Center for Hope Hospice reapplication

Harvest Family reapplication

Jewish Relief Agency reapplication

Finance Committee – Eric

Governance Committee – Lisa

Plan for May meeting

Feedback on shortened reports/applications/process

Approve February Minutes





February 2024

Agenda 2.24

Welcome- Jim 5

Education Session: Looking Back, Looking Forward – Susan  90 -120 min.

Following the strategic session last May and in anticipation of doing more work this May, we want to use the extra time available in February for some deeper, relaxed discussion.  During the lifespan of FFA, the world has rapidly changed around us, including the field of philanthropy and aging services.  Our dedication to continuing revelation has led us from a focus on Quaker lifecare communities to services for at-home Friends to those leading and living in underserved communities.  We have also implemented several trust-based practices toward building strong relationships with our grantee partners. Where do we want to go next?  This discussion will help Susan focus her work and guide our strategic planning in May.

Please review the grants FFA has made over the past 2 years.  Here is a list of the grants made in 2022-3.  (more details on them are on the website under the meetings when they were considered). Select 2 that stand out as a success to you, that you are proud of — why?  Pick 2 that didn’t excite you — why? If it is helpful, I added columns for the following questions: Do they reflect the FFA mission? Are they innovative? Impactful?  Replicable?  Do they serve partners and under-served populations that might not get other funding? Are there gaps between what we are doing and what we want to do?  Which of these elements are important to you going forward?  How does this inform us about our priorities? We will start the session with sharing responses.

We will also talk about the queries Susan listed in her report.

Business Meeting

  1. Approve minutes October 2023  Jim

2. ED report 2.24 – Susan

ED report 12.23 sent in December

3. Executive Session re Susan – Jim

ED job description

–Susan’s priorities for 2024

4. Finance -Eric

Budget for year for APPROVAL  approved

P&L and Balance

–Proposal re Friends Fiduciary – that the Friends Fiduciary account be used to fund the NYYM grant, which is true to original intent, begins to spend income, and releases funds at JPM for more granting.

5. Governance- Lisa

Officer Job descriptions update- draft

Meeting dates for 2024




October 2023

  1. Welcome – Jim
  2. Approval of 5.6.23 Minutes
  3. Executive Director report – Susan-  Includes summaries of mid-year conversations (updated 10.21.23)

Notes from Quaker Convening on Aging

4.  Governance – Lisa

5. Finance – Eric

6.  Grant reports–read only

    1. AFSC + budget – sabbatical
    2. ARTZ+ budget
    3. Baltimore Yearly Meeting – no request
    4. Brightside Manor + Budget
    5. Center in the Park  + budget – wait til Spring
    6. Friends Home Kennett – wait til Spring
    7. Interfaith Caregivers + budget
    8. JCHC– no proposal
    9. JFS Atlantic
    10. Montco SAAC
    11. New England Yearly Meeting
    12. NYYM ARCH – see proposal
    13. SOWN
    14. Trinitas – sabbatical
    15. Camden Coalition 

5. Grant proposals   Fall proposal spreadsheet


      1. Returning Quaker
        1. Beacon Hill
        2. The Hickman–includes report
        3. NYYM
          1. SPARK article 2009 re relationship between NYYM & FFA
        4. NEYM
      2. Returning non-Quaker
        1. ARTZ + Budget
        2. BrightSide Manor
        3. Interfaith Caregivers Mercer Co. + budget
        4. JFS Atlantic
        5. Montco SAAC
        6. SOWN
      3. New Quaker – none
      4. New non-Quaker
        1. Center for Hope Hospice + budget
        2. Habitat for Humanity Ocean Co
        3. Lutheran Settlement House
        4. New Community

May 2023 Annual Meeting


Welcome- Jim

–Feedback on education sessions

Executive Director Report- Susan

Governance – Lisa

Board appointments – new members, officers, renewal terms

Trustee Disclosure forms

Board self-evaluation

Calendar for the year

Board staff contact list

Strategic Plan Implementation + Priorities review – Susan

–Grant making priorities

Finance- Eric

–Review of P&L and Balance

–Investment strategy update

Approval of April 20 Minutes

April 25 Education session



April 2023


Welcome– Jim

Executive Director’s Report 

GrantsSpring 2023 proposal spreadsheet

Reports (read only):

Barclay Friends

Camden Coalition


Friends House Retirement Community

JFCS Philadelphia + Budget


Meals on Wheels Mercer

Pendle Hill



Vonzella’s Crown + Budget

Witness to Innocence

Proposals – Quaker Returning

Barclay + Budget

Friends House Retirement Community

FSA + budget

Friends Village

Pendle Hill + Cover letter

Ujima Friends

The Hickman planned an 18 month period to implement Montessori and will return in the Fall, which fits better with their fiscal year.  New England Yearly Meeting had a slow start for hiring and implementing ARCH and will return in the Fall.

Proposals – Non-Quaker Returning

Camden Coalition

Jaisohn Foundation

JFCS Phila


Meals on Wheels


Vonzella’s Crown

Witness to Innocence

Proposals- New Quaker

Beacon Hill Friends House      +Info Sheet

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting     + info sheet

Snipes Farm      + info sheet

Proposals – New Non-Quaker

Dancers for Variable Populations      + info sheet

Grounds for Sculpture    + info sheet

Harvest Family Success Center     + info sheet

Lutheran Settlement House    + info sheet

Princeton Senior Resource Center    + info sheet


Governance– Lisa

Finance– Eric

Approval of February Minutes– Jim- approve change

February 2023


Welcome – Jim

6:00 Conversation with Montessori grant recipients- Friends Home in Kennett, The Hickman, Friends House Retirement Community


Evaluation of ED  Jim

ED report – Susan

–Iron Mountain- rx shredding remaining boxes – Susan

–ARCH future discussion – Susan

Finance- Investment policies & practices – Eric

–Hard conversations about spending Eric, Jim

–Budget approval, balance sheet – Susan, Eric

Governance-  Lisa

Approve minutes: October Board minutes 

Upcoming meetings

  • April 20 6-9 pm on Zoom- Grantmaking meeting
  • April 25 5-6 pm- Meet with PALS (assisted living in senior residences) grantee partners on Zoom
  • May 6 9-1pm annual meeting at Newtown Friends Meeting 219 Court St, Newtown PA


FSA internship change

QVS year-end report

Kindersmile year-end report and budget

Jaisohn Foundation year-end report

Friends Village year-end report

Senior Community Services year-end report & budget

Friendsview Manor final report

Quaker Senior Living Partnership IRIS- final report

YSOP final report & budget

Lutheran Social Ministries final report